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Lights to Learn, Pilot programe. Achievements and challenges (2011-2016)

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Lights to Learn, Pilot programe. Achievements and challenges (2011-2016)

This document summarizes the exprience of the Ligths to learn (LtL) Pilot Program in 16 Latin-American countries.

The LtL initiative,promoted by de Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), was approved at the XXI Ibero-American Conference os Education (Paraguay, September 2011). The goal of the LtL is to improve the educational quelity and equity in the rural schoools of the región, within the framework of the Educational Goals 2021, and it is structured in five components:

  • Energy
  • Information and Communicarion technologies (ICT)
  • Teacher Treining
  • Community Strengthening
  • Sustainability
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